The project’s guiding lights

Chamber of Commerce

As a professional chamber and public institution encompassing all sectors of business, the purpose and role of the Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce is to defend the interests of its member companies. The member companies of the Chamber of Commerce represent a wide variety of sectors and may in some cases pursue divergent sectoral interests. In a spirit of fairness to all its members, the Chamber of Commerce therefore considers its primary mission as one of articulating, representing and defending the interests of all its members. Sectoral interests can also be defended, on condition that they do not conflict with the interests of the other member companies of the Chamber of Commerce. Today, the Chamber of Commerce has more than 90,000 affiliated members, accounting for 75% of the total salaried employment and representing 80% of the GDP. As membership dues from members constitute the principal financial resource of the Chamber of Commerce, the Chamber also has financial autonomy.

7, rue Alcide de Gasperi
L-2981 Luxembourg
T. (+352) 42 39 39 -1
E. chamcom(at)

Ministry of the Economy

The General Directorate for SME, Craft industries and Trades of the Ministry of the Economy is responsible for implementing Luxembourg’s economic competitiveness policy. It is considered as the main point of contact for small and medium-sized enterprises and focuses on four main areas: right of establishment; assistance to medium-sized businesses; commercial practices; and simplifying administrative processes for businesses.

If you have any questions about a business permit, you can make an appointment at the House of Entrepreneurship with an employee of the Ministry of Economic Affairs on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 9 a.m. to 12 noon.

Appointments here.

19 - 21, Bd Royal
L-2449 Luxembourg 
T. (+352) 247 74700
E. info.pme(at)

Chamber of Craft Trades – Contact Entreprise

The Chambre des Métiers (chamber of craft trades) brings together all the craft-based enterprises. It sees its mission and roles as the defence, representation and coordination of its members’ interests. Its Contact Entreprise service offers personalised advice and assistance to entrepreneurs looking to access predominantly craft-based activities whether by new business creation or acquisition.

The advisors of the Chamber of Crafts are present from Monday to Friday from 9am to 12pm at the House of Entrepreneurship.

Please make an appointment via this link for your personal consultation.

Appointments here.

2, Circuit de la Foire Internationale
L-1016 Luxembourg
T. (+352) 42 67 67 - 1
F. (+352) 42 67 87
E. contact(at)

Agence pour le Développement de l’Emploi – ADEM

ADEM is Luxembourg’s national employment agency. The development of trust-based relations with employers is an absolute priority for ADEM.  To help businesses recruit and retain the best candidates, ADEM offers them tailor-made services via its ‘employers department’, which has experienced advisers specialising in the majority of business sectors.

19, rue de Bitbourg
L-1273 Hamm
T. (+352) 247 88000
F. (+352) 247 95300
E. info(at)

Business Mentoring Luxembourg

Business Mentoring Luxembourg is an association whose objective is to help entrepreneurs go through the stages of entrepreneurship by developing their personal expertise.

It is composed of a group of volunteer Mentors who, through an interpersonal relationship of support and share their expertise on a voluntary basis in order to develop the know-how and skills of an entrepreneur with a view to achieving his or her professional goals.

Business Mentoring offers a mentoring programme over a period of 12 to 18 months. The benefits of this programme include building confidence, sharing challenges, learning from the mentor's experience, gaining a different perspective on your business and improving your expertise. Business Mentoring currently has 31 active mentors and 216 mentees since 2010. 

14, rue Erasme 
L-1468 Luxembourg
T. (+352) 247 621 520 330
E. info(at)

Luxembourg Business Angel Network

The Luxembourg Business Angel Network is the only network of private investors in Luxembourg and plays an important role in the development of the startup ecosystem in Luxembourg. LBAN's mission is to provide appropriate training and tools to business angels to improve their investment decisions. Through close links with the Luxembourg entrepreneurial community as well as the government, LBAN ensures that the needs of the early-stage investment community are not only heard but also considered.

14, rue Erasme
L-1468 Luxembourg
E. info(at)

Institut de la Propriété Intellectuelle Luxembourg – IPIL

The Luxembourg Institute of Intellectual Property (IPIL in the French abbreviation) was established in 2014 as an economic interest grouping (EIG) to promote the development of intellectual property for the needs of the Luxembourg economy.

As well as promoting intellectual property at the national level, the IPIL offers support and advisory services for enterprises, researchers, promoters, start-ups and anyone else who is interested.


L-8008 Strassen
T. (+352) 247 80210
E. info(at)

LIST – Betriber & Emwelt

The Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST) is a research and technology organization (RTO). The LIST develops innovative and competitive solutions in response to the key needs of Luxembourg and European companies and transfer these new technologies to their industrial and public partners. The REACH & CLP Helpdesk is the main point of contact for Luxembourg companies for inquiries regarding European regulations on REACH and CLP chemicals. Betriber & Emwelt is an environmental information platform whose objective is to raise awareness and inform Luxembourg companies on regulatory or environmental issues.


41, rue du Brill
L-4422 Belvaux
T. 275 888 – 1
E. betriber-emwelt(at)

Luxinnovation – Cellule Start

Luxinnovation’s start-up team supports all kinds of innovative start-up projects in Luxembourg, whether in establishment or technical or commercial development. Its positioning at the centre of the innovation ecosystem facilitates introductions to potential decision-makers (beta-testers, clients, research centres, investors, public institutions, etc.) In addition to the day-to-day running of the “Fit4Start” accelerator programme, Luxinnovation advisers also support entrepreneurs in defining their business models, business plans and pitch decks and other applications for public financing.

5, avenue des Hauts Fourneaux
L-4362 Esch-sur-Alzette
T. (+352) 43 62 63 1
E. info(at)

Ministry of Housing and Spatial Planning – CFUE

The town planning and environmental permit facilitation unit (CFUE in the French abbreviation) advises and assists individuals and companies, public and private sector promoters, municipalities, engineering offices, etc. with the administrative processes relating to their building or renovation plans. The CFUE also plays the role of intra-government coordinator and supporter during the critical phase of project planning.

To make an appointement


4, Place de l'Europe
L-1499 Luxembourg
T. (+352) 247-86960

Ministry of Home Affairs - General Department of Immigration

The Immigration Directorate consists of various departments, notably Foreigners, Refugees and Deportation.

The Foreigners department deals in particular with requests concerning the free movement of persons (European Union citizens and their family members) and immigration (entry and stay of third-country nationals).


26, route d’Arlon
L-1140 Luxembourg
T. (+352) 247-84040


Microlux's mission is to develop social and economic inclusion through the support and granting of microcredits to people who wish to create or develop an economic activity and who do not have access to traditional bank credit. Thus, Microlux offers you microcredits and individualised support for your project to create or develop your microenterprise or social enterprise in Luxembourg.

Maison de la Microfinance
39, rue Glesener
L-1631 Luxembourg
T. (+352) 45 68 68 76
E. info(at)

SNCI - Société Nationale de Crédit et d'Investissement

SNCI is a public-law banking institution specialized in medium- and long-term financing of Luxembourg based companies.

The SNCI grants different types of loans depending on the size of the business and the planned project. Thus, it grants investment and innovation loans as well as export credits. The SNCI also grants creation-transfer loans to newly created or acquired SMEs as well as foreign financing to Luxembourg companies wishing to develop in foreign markets.

In addition, it carries out equity transactions, either directly through equity investments, or through financing companies in which it holds an equity interest.


7, rue du Saint-Esprit
L-1012 Luxembourg
T. 46 19 71
E. snci(at)


Technoport is an incubator offering a combination of support services, fast prototyping and hosting for innovative technological enterprises. As an essential link in the Cité des Sciences et de l’Innovation, it comprises an incubator in Esch-Belval and a centre in Foetz. Technoport’s first objective is to offer the best possible conditions for the creation and development of technological and innovative projects and enterprises in Luxembourg.

9, avenue des Hauts-Fourneaux
L-4362 Esch-sur-Alzette
T. (+352) 54 55 80 1
E. incubator(at)

Administration of registration, domains and VAT (A.E.D)

The Registration, Domains and VAT Administration (AED) is one of the three tax administrations of the Grand Duchy. The AED guides entrepreneurs in a pragmatic way, in matters of VAT and formalities inherent to this tax. Closely linked to the functioning of the EU Internal Market, VAT is an important tax on the economic activity of companies. The AED advises entrepreneurs on various topics: initial VAT registration, cessation of activity and cancellation of the VAT number, general information on the VAT declaration, the provision of services including digital services and the OSS platform.

Please make an appointment via this link for your personal consultation.

Appointments here

1-3, Avenue Guillaume
L- 1651 Lëtzebuerg
T. 24 78 08 00

Environmental administration

The environmental administration provides support for political decision-making and ensures the implementation of environmental legislation. They also supervise human activities that have an impact on the environment, carry out monitoring and assess the state of the environment. Finally, the Environmental Administration promotes ecological practices and encourages environmental innovation. 

1, Avenue du Rock'n'Roll
L-4361 Esch-sur-Alzette
T. (+352) 40 56 56 1

Enterprise Europe Network

The Enterprise Europe Network is the largest European network dedicated to the internationalisation and innovation of SMEs. Experts in more than 67 countries provide information, advice on European law and development assistance to businesses throughout their innovation and internationalisation projects. Established in 2008, the Enterprise Europe Network is co-funded by the European Commission and member organisations under the Competitiveness of Enterprises and SMEs programme, COSME.

7, rue Alcide de Gasperi
L-1615 Luxembourg
T. (+352) 42 39 39 - 333
E. een(at)

Digital Lëtzebuerg

The development of digital technologies and the accelerating pace of digitisation offer many new growth opportunities. To take digital to the next level, the Luxembourg Government launched the Digital Luxembourg initiative in 2014. Under the umbrella of Digital Luxembourg, joint private-public ventures and projects find their place, each tackling a different aspect of digital development, each bringing the country one step forward.

5, rue Large
L-1917 Luxembourg
T. (+352) 247-82175
E. info(at)

Guichet is an internet portal the purpose of which is to simplify dealings with the government by providing quick, friendly access to all the information and services offered by public bodies. The site, presented by the government of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, has two sections: a “Citizens” section run by the Ministry of Public Service and Administrative Reform, and a “Business” section published by the General Directorate for SMEs and Entrepreneurship of the Ministry of the Economy in partnership with the Chamber of Commerce and the Chamber of Craft Trades.

Du lundi au vendredi de 8h00 à 18h00
T. (+352) 247-82000

Inspection du Travail et des Mines – ITM

The main responsibility of the ITM (Inspection du Travail et des Mines or Labour Inspectorate) is to inspect labour relations and conditions and health and safety in the workplace.

It is also responsible for preventing and resolving all labour conflicts not falling within the remit of the National Conciliation Office (ONC in the French abbreviation).

3, rue des Primeurs
L-2361 Strassen
T. (+352) 247 – 76100
E. contact(at)

Luxembourg Business Registers

The Luxembourg Business Registers (LBR) is an economic interest grouping created by the State, the Chamber of Commerce, and the Chamber of Trades of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. Its mission is to manage and develop the various registers entrusted to it by law, under the authority of the Minister of Justice. The LBR has been managing the trade and company register since 2003 and since 1 June 2016, the LBR has been in charge of the central electronic platform for official publications concerning companies and associations, the "Recueil électronique des sociétés et associations" (RESA).

14, rue Erasme
L-1468 Luxembourg
T. (+352) 26 42 81

Mutualité de Cautionnement

The Mutualité de Cautionenment is a mutual assistance institution the main object of which is to facilitate Luxembourg SMEs’ access to bank financing by granting partial guarantees. The Mutualité de Cautionenment works in support of members of the Chamber of Commerce by issuing guarantees to approved credit institutions when the security provided by the entrepreneur proves insufficient.

14, rue Erasme
L-1468 Luxembourg
T. (+352) 42 39 39 317
E. cautionnement(at)

Ministry of Agriculture, Viticulture and Rural Development

The Ministry of Agriculture, Viticulture and Rural Development deals with food production in agriculture, viticulture and horticulture; as well as food security aspects of primary production and rural development. It offers three support services to agricultural entrepreneurs: The Administration of Technical Services for Agriculture (ASTA) is responsible for promoting technical progress in agriculture, guiding and developing animal, plant and horticultural production, and encouraging productivity and sustainable development in these sectors. The Institut viti-vinicole (IVV) is a partner in the initial and continuing training of winegrowers. Finally, the Rural Economy Service (SER) advises farmers, winegrowers and market gardeners on the management and orientation of their farms.

1, rue de la Congrégation
L-1352 Luxembourg
T. (+352) 24 78 24 78

Ministry of the Civil Service and Administrative Reform

The Ministry of the Civil Service aims to promote and guarantee an attractive and quality public service based on a simple, innovative and efficient regulatory framework, favoring social cohesion and the economic prosperity of the country. 

63 avenue de la Liberté
L-1931 Luxembourg

Ministry of Health – Food safety division

The responsibility of the food safety division is to oversee food establishments and carry out official checks on foodstuffs, the food chain and materials and objects that come into contact with foodstuffs.

It organises official checks on foodstuffs from non-animal sources, including imports, in close collaboration with the other government departments involved.

Paul Wurth Incub

The Paul Wurth InCub “InduTech” incubator supports innovative ideas the development of which contributes added value to the manufacturing sector. Based in Luxembourg-Hollerich, Paul Wurth makes premises and infrastructure available to these start-ups as well as providing technological support and help with addressing the market, through its international networks of customers, experts and partners.

32, rue d'Alsace
L-1122 Luxembourg
T. (+352) 4970-1
E. incub(at)

1535°- Creative Hub Differdange

The 1535° project initiated by the City of Differdange is unique in Luxembourg. It aims to develop a centre of applied creativity stimulating the combined deployment of artistic creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship of the creative industries.

115a, rue Emile Mark
L-4620 Differdange
T. (+352) 58 77 1-1535
E. 1535(at)

House of Training

Created in 2015 by the Chamber of Commerce and the Luxembourg Bankers’ Association (ABBL), the House of Training's vocation and principal mission is to offer continuing vocational training programmes designed to meet the needs of the Luxembourgish economy.

Its offer aims, on the one hand, to support company managers in their process of creation, takeover and management of companies by offering them training courses focused on their specific needs. On the other hand, it also addresses the employees of these companies wishing to develop their knowledge and skills and evolve in their professional life. 

7, rue Alcide de Gasperi
L-1615 Luxembourg
T. (+352) 46 50 16 1

House of Startups

Launched by the Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce, the HoST is the Grand Duchy’s most vibrant shared workspace. Innovation hubs, incubators, business accelerators, and startup consulting services are all under one roof at the House of Startups (HoST). Located in the dynamic, central station district, the House can accommodate 150-200 innovative startups in nearly 6,000 square meters of space. Several major hubs are already in place: the Luxembourg House of Financial Technology (LHoFT) and the newly created Luxembourg-City Incubator (LCI) supported by the City of Luxembourg. Groupe Crédit Agricole’s international incubator and the International Climate Finance Accelerator (ICFA) are also moving in.

9, rue du Laboratoire
T. (+352) 28 81 00 01

Luxembourg-City Incubator

The Luxembourg-City Incubator is a startup incubator launched in September 2017 by the Chamber of Commerce with the City of Luxembourg as its main sponsor. It is one of the larger incubators hosted within the House of Startups. Located in the Gare district, the LCI offers desks in closed offices as well as open-space coworking areas over 2000 m2.


9, rue du Laboratoire
L-1911 Luxembourg
T. (+352) 288 101 01

Agence du Bénévolat

Since 2002, the Agence du Bénévolat has aimed to promote and develop volunteering in Luxembourg among public authorities, organisations calling for volunteering and the general public.

The agency's main tasks include advice, information and exchange on volunteering in Luxembourg, as well as the placement of volunteers and organisations via the digital platform We promote voluntary associations by offering training courses for associations and individual legal advice on all aspects of setting up and managing a non-profit organisation. Furthermore, we promote the recognition and appreciation of volunteering through the Prix du Mérite du Bénévolat and the BÉNÉVOLAT quality label. 

103, route d’Arlon
L-8009 Strassen
T. (+352) 26 12 10
E. contact(at)

Office du Ducroire Luxembourg

The Office du Ducroire “ODL” is a public institution with the mission to promote Luxembourg exports and to help Luxembourg companies to develop their business on an international scale.

ODL offers export companies a wide range of insurance solutions to protect themselves against the following risks:

  • non-payment of their foreign customers,
  • undelivered goods and no reimbursement of the advances paid to their foreign suppliers,
  • political risks connected to their investments abroad.

ODL can insure the banks financing Luxembourg export companies against the risk of non-reimbursement of credit lines and/or guarantee lines that have been granted to companies.

In addition, ODL supports Luxembourg companies through financial aid in their ambitions to prosper internationally.

65, rue d’Eich
L-1461 Luxembourg
E. odl(at)

How can we meet?

Do you want to book an appointment or talk to our advisors?

Phone : ( +352 ) 42 39 39 - 330          Email : info(at)          Request via our contact form

Do you have a business idea? Meet us at one of our information points:

Luxembourg-ville: Kirchberg
14, rue Erasme
L-1468 Luxembourg

22, route de Luxembourg
L-5634 Mondorf-les-Bains

120, Rue de l'Alzette
L-4010 Esch-sur-Alzette

Powered by

Chambre de Commerce

In partnership with

Ministère des Classes Moyennes Chambre des Métiers

With the support of

1535°, ADEM, Administration de l’Environnement, Administration de l'enregistrement, des domaines et de la TVA, Digital Lëtzebuerg,, House of Training, ITM, IPIL, LBAN, LBR, Luxinnovation, MC, nyuko, Paul Wurth InCub, SNCI, Technoport, Ministère des Affaires étrangères et européennes, Ministère de l’Agriculture, Ministère de la Santé, Ministère de la Fonction publique et de la Réforme administrative , CFUE, Betriber & Emwelt, LIST.

and other various players