26.07.2024 12:07

Cybersecurity Workforce in Luxembourg - Survey

The Luxembourg House of Cybersecurity (LHC), through its National Cybersecurity Competence Center (NC3), recently launched a survey aimed at cybersecurity professionals (active or interested in becoming one) in Luxembourg.

In our increasingly connected society, cyber threats are among the risks most likely to impact our organisations. Cybersecurity has become a fundamental element in the economic development of companies of all sizes, and a responsibility for everyone. However, the cybersecurity sector is facing a shortage of qualified resources. This study was therefore developed with the aim of assessing the specific skills required or needed to ensure the prosperity of the Luxembourg cybersecurity market.

In order to achieve a high level of participation and generate representative recommendations, we would like to ask you to collaborate with us by using your professional networks to relay this survey. We will all benefit from the results of this study. By enabling our cybersecurity ecosystem to develop and build skills in the most relevant way and in line with the real needs of the country, we can ensure the security and sound development of our digital economy and society.

The survey is open until 30 September 2024. The results are expected to be published in autumn 2024.

The link to access the survey is: https://cyber-workforce.nc3.lu/

For any question/remark, do not hesitate to reach out to the LHC/NC3 at info(at)nc3.lu.

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